#280 Belhaven – Scottish Stout

Belhaven StoutName: Scottish Stout
Brewery: Belhaven ( Dunbar, Scotland)
Style: Stout
ABV: 7%
Source: Waiheke Wines

Before I get on to talking about this beer, I just want to take a self-indulgent moment to say I can’t believe there are only 85 beers left until this thing is over! (And actually more like 80 because I’m still a bit behind on posts).

I know that sounds like heaps (what kind of a person utters the words “only 85 beers” anyway?) but it’s actually only 11 and a bit weeks – which incidentally is just one week longer than Kim Kardashian’s marriage lasted.*

But it’s still really too soon to be thinking about the end (except for choosing a final beer), so I won’t launch into any reflective ramblings just yet. I just wanted to let you know that it’s coming, and if there are any beers that you think must be included in the final 80, please do feel free to suggest them.

Anyway, this stout! It was bloody delicious and it went exceptionally well with Mum’s slow-cooked beef stew.

It poured really dark brown and retained a thin but creamy tan head. It smelled of lightly toasted wood, brown sugar and chocolate, then the mouth it was sweet and milk-chocolatey before the hops kicked in for a dry and slightly bitter finish. It had a smooth mouthfeel with very little carbonation, and was still light enough to be refreshing. I loved it! I really did.

And speaking of stout, did you know Mariah Carey was once criticized for drinking Guinness while breastfeeding?**

*I thought my blog might see a last-minute surge in popularity if I started to include more pop trivia.
** See above .

Published in: on May 22, 2012 at 9:33 pm  Comments (15)  

#181 Belhaven – Twisted Thistle IPA

Belhaven Thistle IPA Name: Twisted Thistle IPA
Brewery: Belhaven (Greene King)
Style: IPA
ABV: 5.3%
Source: Waiheke Wines

I’m going to have to rush this post as I’ve been writing all day and I am DYING for a beer, so ‘scuse the brevity/lazy writing…

Having had quite good experiences with British IPAs in the past (namely Fullers‘, which was delicious), and with Belhaven’s Wee Heavy, I probably had unrealistically high hopes for this one.

Were they realized? Not quite. This was actually really nice – fruity, resinous hops and a good balance of caramel malt, but it didn’t seem punchy enough for an IPA, and as my mum pointed out, the finish was quite short.

On the other hand, it was really quaffable, and if this had been called a Pale Ale rather than an IPA I might judge it differently, and blah blah blah… But I have to go!

*throws laptop to ground, sprints to fridge… 

Published in: on February 7, 2012 at 6:29 pm  Leave a Comment  