#116 Cassels & Sons – Beer

Name: Beer
Brewery: Cassels & Sons (Woolston, Christchurch)
Style: Pale Ale
ABV: 3.5%
Source: The Malthouse

Before I get on to this beer I just want to take a moment to acknowledge the fine guest photography by Phil (of Beer Diary, which you shouldn’t look at because you might never read my blog again), and the magnificent ‘Christmas Tree’ in the background which I believe was constructed by Malthouse staffer Halena.

So on the beer, which is confusingly and cleverly called, Beer. According to Phil, it’s a joke borne out of the fact that a lot of people go into the Cassels Brewery and just simply ask for ‘beer’ despite the fact that they would have about six on tap at any one time. (Which has me thinking, it would be funny to make something like an Imperial Rex and call it ‘Beer’. That’d learn ’em for not being discerning).

This was the perfect first pint for the night – simple, tasty, refreshing and mid-strength. It had an aroma of grassy, piney hops, as well as a hint of citrus and wheat. Those flavours came through in the palate alongside a notecable caramel sweetness, and the finish was lip-smackingly bitter and clean.

I should probably have stayed at The Malthouse drinking 3.5% beer all night. Instead I went on to The Hop Garden, Hashigo Zake, Little Beer Quarter, and two unmentionable takeaway joints. It was a hell of a lot of fun, but I woke the next morning – as I do most Saturday’s – broke and broken. God damn you beer for being so delicious.

*I was very nervous about actually visiting The Malthouse when I heard about this tree, because I have a tendancy to topple fragile/precarious structures like this over. Phil assured me there was enough liquid nails to render it safe, but still I maintained a minimum 1m distance at all times. 

Published in: on December 4, 2011 at 2:15 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. What! No mention of the $45 bottle?!

    • Hah, no sorry. It was a takeaway and I haven’t actually had it yet! Black Tokyo Horizon, FYI.

      • Wow, that looks like a pretty serious beer. Make sure you eat beforehand or the blog post might not come at all!

  2. BEER??!? That was all they could come up with !

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