#7 Konig Ludwig Dunkel

Name: Konig Ludwig Dunkel
Brewer: Schlossbrauerei Kaltenberg (Furstenfeldbruck, Germany)
Style: Dunkel
ABV: 5.1%

As the media and Facebook keeps reminding me, we are currently experiencing a “once in a lifetime” snowstorm in New Zealand, which means that even in the balmy city of Auckland it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.*

What I really wanted to drink tonight was a Renaissance Chocolate Oatmeal Stout. Something indulgent and toasty to ward off the chill. Unfortunately I got home to a cold dark house lacking in food and only this random dunkel that I picked up while tipsy in the weekend.

I drank this while nibbling on a miserable dinner of avocado on toast – not the ideal match by any means. It pours, err, the colour of coke, and has quite a loose, fluffy head. I got an aroma of malt, chocolate, and toffee, but the taste was a bit disappointing. Malty, kinda bitter, but not in the hoppy way that I like. It was also a bit thin and, like yesterday’s beer, metallic tasting.

So, two kinda disappointing beers in a row… Not the ideal way to end my first week, but I’ve still got 51 left to make up for it. Christ.

*I got this odd little expression from my friend Oliver. Apparently the brass triangles that supported stacks of iron cannon-balls on sailing ships were called monkeys and that in cold weather the metal contracted, causing the balls to fall off.
Is this blog educational or what!?

Published in: on August 15, 2011 at 10:15 am  Leave a Comment  

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